
Middle Artist Janina ROSSITER & Santiago LEFEBVRE (Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
During 3 Days, ChangeNOW brings Together the Most Innovative Solutions and Impactful Changemakers tackling our Planet’s Biggest Challenges, to take action, together. ChangeNOW builds Bridges and creates Opportunities for Thousands of Key Actors of Change, in an Inspiring and Action-Oriented Event...
During 3 Days, ChangeNOW brings Together the Most Innovative Solutions and Impactful Changemakers tackling our Planet’s Biggest Challenges, to take action, together. ChangeNOW builds Bridges and creates Opportunities for Thousands of Key Actors of Change, in an Inspiring and Action-Oriented Event...
2024 PROGRAM THEMES - Grand Palais Ephemere (Paris) on March 25 - 26 - 27.
- Women for Change
The Initiative’s Annual Flagship Conference explores, through Expert Perspectives, Personal Experiences and Pitch Sessions, the Broad Spectrum of what is meant by Sponsorship and to give the Keys to becoming a Sponsor at your Own Level.
- Women for Change
The Initiative’s Annual Flagship Conference explores, through Expert Perspectives, Personal Experiences and Pitch Sessions, the Broad Spectrum of what is meant by Sponsorship and to give the Keys to becoming a Sponsor at your Own Level.
- Empowering Change Through Sport
Major Sporting Events often leave a Significant Carbon Footprint due to Stadium Construction, Fan Transportation, and Material Usage. However, both inside and beyond Arenas, Sports Organizations and Athletes wield a Powerful Voice to address Climate Change Issues and influence Society’s most Pressing Concerns.
Do you know which sports are the most polluting?
* Skiing with 800,000 tonnes of CO2e per year, equivalent to the production of 22 million smartphones
* Formula 1, with almost 260,000 Tonnes of CO2e emitted each year
* Golf is the most polluting Sport in Terms of Water and Pesticides.
* Soccer is the most polluting Sport in Terms of Travel and Infrastructure during World Cups.
Major Sporting Events often leave a Significant Carbon Footprint due to Stadium Construction, Fan Transportation, and Material Usage. However, both inside and beyond Arenas, Sports Organizations and Athletes wield a Powerful Voice to address Climate Change Issues and influence Society’s most Pressing Concerns.
Do you know which sports are the most polluting?
* Skiing with 800,000 tonnes of CO2e per year, equivalent to the production of 22 million smartphones
* Formula 1, with almost 260,000 Tonnes of CO2e emitted each year
* Golf is the most polluting Sport in Terms of Water and Pesticides.
* Soccer is the most polluting Sport in Terms of Travel and Infrastructure during World Cups.
- Finance
What are the New Trends in Impact Investing and Best Practices in Responsible Finance?
Explore the Solutions to finance a more Sustainable and Inclusive World.
What are the New Trends in Impact Investing and Best Practices in Responsible Finance?
Explore the Solutions to finance a more Sustainable and Inclusive World.
- Film For Change
Searching for New Narratives in Fiction Projections, Conferences, and Meetings to promote more Inclusive, Humane, and Respectful Narratives of Life at the Heart of Mainstream Fiction.” Our Goal is to use and nourish the Amazing Storytelling Power of Cinema for Positive Change.
* Pro event - Gathering the Industry around New Narratives Experts and Projects to inspire and promote Concrete Action
* Projections: Common Ground, European Premiere with the Movie Teams
* Conferences: Adressing the Challenges ?and Opportunities of ?the Cinema Industry Worldwide
Searching for New Narratives in Fiction Projections, Conferences, and Meetings to promote more Inclusive, Humane, and Respectful Narratives of Life at the Heart of Mainstream Fiction.” Our Goal is to use and nourish the Amazing Storytelling Power of Cinema for Positive Change.
* Pro event - Gathering the Industry around New Narratives Experts and Projects to inspire and promote Concrete Action
* Projections: Common Ground, European Premiere with the Movie Teams
* Conferences: Adressing the Challenges ?and Opportunities of ?the Cinema Industry Worldwide
- Art For Change
From questioning the System to creating New Narratives, Art and Culture have the Power to make People embrace Change.
Unfolded Horizons brings together Artists, Designers, Photographers and Performers who toy around with Waves, Borders and Impossible Horizons. Having returned from the Farthest Reaches of the World to exhibit at the Grand Palais Éphémère for 3 Days, these Far-Sighted Emissaries unfurl the Treasures of a Sober, Lively and Nuanced World.
From questioning the System to creating New Narratives, Art and Culture have the Power to make People embrace Change.
Unfolded Horizons brings together Artists, Designers, Photographers and Performers who toy around with Waves, Borders and Impossible Horizons. Having returned from the Farthest Reaches of the World to exhibit at the Grand Palais Éphémère for 3 Days, these Far-Sighted Emissaries unfurl the Treasures of a Sober, Lively and Nuanced World.
- Accelerate The Ecosystem - Scaling up Sustainability Solutions
* Progress and Big Change have always been the Product of Ecosystems, Coalitions and Collaboration. Creating Partnerships and getting Support is Key in Every Industry.
* In 2023, we have crossed the Threshold of the 6th of the 9 Planetary Limits identified by the Stockholm Resilience Center. The Climate Emergency necessitates fostering Collaboration, Innovation, and Accountability to drive Transformative Changes.
* Progress and Big Change have always been the Product of Ecosystems, Coalitions and Collaboration. Creating Partnerships and getting Support is Key in Every Industry.
* In 2023, we have crossed the Threshold of the 6th of the 9 Planetary Limits identified by the Stockholm Resilience Center. The Climate Emergency necessitates fostering Collaboration, Innovation, and Accountability to drive Transformative Changes.
- Biodiversity Breakdown: Towards a New Covenant with Life?
Human Activities are driving the 6th Mass Extinction, eroding Biodiversity at an Alarming Rate, 100 to 1 000 Times faster than the Natural Processes. This Erosion of Ecosystems and their Services, such as Pollination, not only jeopardizes Global Food Security but also paves the Way for the Emergence of New Diseases. Each Species Lost represents a Critical Tipping Point, underscoring the Urgent Need for swift and Collective Action to safeguard Life on our Planet.
Human Activities are driving the 6th Mass Extinction, eroding Biodiversity at an Alarming Rate, 100 to 1 000 Times faster than the Natural Processes. This Erosion of Ecosystems and their Services, such as Pollination, not only jeopardizes Global Food Security but also paves the Way for the Emergence of New Diseases. Each Species Lost represents a Critical Tipping Point, underscoring the Urgent Need for swift and Collective Action to safeguard Life on our Planet.
- How to address the Challenges of changing Habits?
From Small Daily Acts to Climate Heroes. To limit Global Warming, Change should come from all Sectors of Society: Government, Businesses, and Individuals. Individual Action, whether through Behavioral Changes or Household-Level Investments, is essential, bearing in mind that the Majority of the Effort still depends on Collective Action. What are the Key Individual Levers that need to be activated?
From Small Daily Acts to Climate Heroes. To limit Global Warming, Change should come from all Sectors of Society: Government, Businesses, and Individuals. Individual Action, whether through Behavioral Changes or Household-Level Investments, is essential, bearing in mind that the Majority of the Effort still depends on Collective Action. What are the Key Individual Levers that need to be activated?
- Circular Economy
Less, Better, Longer. The Circular Economy consists of preserving and regenerating Resources by reducing Waste through Virtuous Loops. The Occurrence of the Earth Overshoot Day, which marks the Point in the Year when Humanity exhausts the Planet’s Annual Ecological Resources, has been degrading each year. A Circular Economy would allow for much better Management of our Resources and also extend its Fruits to the Environmental and Social Impacts of our Consumption Patterns.
Less, Better, Longer. The Circular Economy consists of preserving and regenerating Resources by reducing Waste through Virtuous Loops. The Occurrence of the Earth Overshoot Day, which marks the Point in the Year when Humanity exhausts the Planet’s Annual Ecological Resources, has been degrading each year. A Circular Economy would allow for much better Management of our Resources and also extend its Fruits to the Environmental and Social Impacts of our Consumption Patterns.
- Cities
Towards Sustainable Cities. Urbanization profoundly impacts the Earth system, causing Habitat Loss, Deforestation, changing Species Interactions, and even unbalancing the Water Cycle.
* 55% of the World’s Population lives in Urban Areas, although Cities represent only 2% of the Earth’s Surface. This Proportion is expected to increase to 68% by 2050 – an additional 2.5 Billion People.
* 60% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions are produced in Cities.
* 78% of the world’s energy is consumed in cities, according to UN-Habitat.
Towards Sustainable Cities. Urbanization profoundly impacts the Earth system, causing Habitat Loss, Deforestation, changing Species Interactions, and even unbalancing the Water Cycle.
* 55% of the World’s Population lives in Urban Areas, although Cities represent only 2% of the Earth’s Surface. This Proportion is expected to increase to 68% by 2050 – an additional 2.5 Billion People.
* 60% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions are produced in Cities.
* 78% of the world’s energy is consumed in cities, according to UN-Habitat.
- Education
The Lack of Education Access serves as a Catalyst for Social Inequality, perpetuating Economic Disparities across Generations. Ensuring Access to Education is Crucial for empowering Future Generations to become Active and Informed Participants in Society.
* 250 million Children Worldwide are out of School, according to UN Studies, due to Various Factors such as Conflicts, Political Crises, and Economic Instability, especially prevalent in Impoverished Nations.
* 75% of 10-year-olds in the Poorest Developing Countries are Illiterate. According to World Bank Reports, this Figure was 53% before the COVID-19 Pandemic.
* 35.8% of GPD is lost due to the Non-Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Europe and Central Asia, according to UNESCO.
The Lack of Education Access serves as a Catalyst for Social Inequality, perpetuating Economic Disparities across Generations. Ensuring Access to Education is Crucial for empowering Future Generations to become Active and Informed Participants in Society.
* 250 million Children Worldwide are out of School, according to UN Studies, due to Various Factors such as Conflicts, Political Crises, and Economic Instability, especially prevalent in Impoverished Nations.
* 75% of 10-year-olds in the Poorest Developing Countries are Illiterate. According to World Bank Reports, this Figure was 53% before the COVID-19 Pandemic.
* 35.8% of GPD is lost due to the Non-Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Europe and Central Asia, according to UNESCO.
- Energy
* 1st Contributor to Climate Change, with 60% of Worldwide Greenhouse Gaz Emissions coming from Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil and Gas).
* 73% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions come from Energy Production.
* x3 Energy Consumption Worldwide has tripled in 50 Years, without Real Energy Transition. Low-Carbon Energy Sources such as Wind, Solar and Nuclear Power have been used in Addition to Fossil Fuels rather than in Substitution to them.
* 1st Contributor to Climate Change, with 60% of Worldwide Greenhouse Gaz Emissions coming from Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil and Gas).
* 73% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions come from Energy Production.
* x3 Energy Consumption Worldwide has tripled in 50 Years, without Real Energy Transition. Low-Carbon Energy Sources such as Wind, Solar and Nuclear Power have been used in Addition to Fossil Fuels rather than in Substitution to them.
- Fashion
* 2nd most Water-Intensive Industry globally, contributing to Water Pollution and accounting for 20% of Global Wastewater.
* 8% of Global Carbon Emissions today, and as much as 26% by 2050 if Current Frenetic Consumption Trends continue.
* x2 The Volume of Clothing entering the Market has doubled in the last 15 Years, while in the meantime Clothing Usage has dropped by 36%.
* 2nd most Water-Intensive Industry globally, contributing to Water Pollution and accounting for 20% of Global Wastewater.
* 8% of Global Carbon Emissions today, and as much as 26% by 2050 if Current Frenetic Consumption Trends continue.
* x2 The Volume of Clothing entering the Market has doubled in the last 15 Years, while in the meantime Clothing Usage has dropped by 36%.
- Food and Agriculture
Approximately One Third of the World’s Arable Land is degraded. However, Healthy Soils can provide a Vital Solution to mitigate Climate Change by sequestering Carbon.
* 1st Contributor to Biodiversity Loss, attributed to the Widespread Use of Pesticides and Chemicals, as well as Habitat Destruction resulting from Deforestation.
* 1st Contributor to Water Scarcity.
* 2nd Contributor to Climate Change, accounting for One-Quarter of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, due to the release of Greenhouse Gases from Excessive Fertilizer Use, Intensive Cattle Farming, and changes in Land Use.
Approximately One Third of the World’s Arable Land is degraded. However, Healthy Soils can provide a Vital Solution to mitigate Climate Change by sequestering Carbon.
* 1st Contributor to Biodiversity Loss, attributed to the Widespread Use of Pesticides and Chemicals, as well as Habitat Destruction resulting from Deforestation.
* 1st Contributor to Water Scarcity.
* 2nd Contributor to Climate Change, accounting for One-Quarter of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, due to the release of Greenhouse Gases from Excessive Fertilizer Use, Intensive Cattle Farming, and changes in Land Use.
- Health
* 21 million Additional Deaths could be linked to a Warmer Climate by 2025, arising from just five Health Risks: Extreme Heat, Stunting, Diarrhea, Malaria, and Dengue..
* 4.5 Billion People were not fully covered by Essential Health Services in 2021, according to the WHO.
* Up to 1,000 Years is the Time it takes for Microplastics to break down. They can be found everywhere, from the Bottom of the Ocean to our Blood, with Uncertain Effects on our Health.
* 21 million Additional Deaths could be linked to a Warmer Climate by 2025, arising from just five Health Risks: Extreme Heat, Stunting, Diarrhea, Malaria, and Dengue..
* 4.5 Billion People were not fully covered by Essential Health Services in 2021, according to the WHO.
* Up to 1,000 Years is the Time it takes for Microplastics to break down. They can be found everywhere, from the Bottom of the Ocean to our Blood, with Uncertain Effects on our Health.
- Inclusion
The Transition to Sustainability cannot be achieved without ensuring Social Justice and Inclusion. In the Face of Climate Change, we must collectively invent New Ways of Living with Nature and redefine our Values.
* 216 million Climate Migrants projected by 2050 by the World Bank. Climate-Related Disasters caused Over Half of New Displacements in 2022.
* -25% Women still earn 25% less than Men on average in the World
The Transition to Sustainability cannot be achieved without ensuring Social Justice and Inclusion. In the Face of Climate Change, we must collectively invent New Ways of Living with Nature and redefine our Values.
* 216 million Climate Migrants projected by 2050 by the World Bank. Climate-Related Disasters caused Over Half of New Displacements in 2022.
* -25% Women still earn 25% less than Men on average in the World
- Mobility
* 4th Transportation, which includes Mobility and Freight, is the Second Largest Contributor to Greenhouse Gases behind Energy.
* +60% It is estimated that Global Transport Emissions will increase by 60% by 2050, based on Current Policies. To meet the Objectives of the Paris Agreement, Freight Emissions would have to fall by 45% and Passenger Transport by 70%.
* 90% of Freight Transport is dependent on Oil.
* 4th Transportation, which includes Mobility and Freight, is the Second Largest Contributor to Greenhouse Gases behind Energy.
* +60% It is estimated that Global Transport Emissions will increase by 60% by 2050, based on Current Policies. To meet the Objectives of the Paris Agreement, Freight Emissions would have to fall by 45% and Passenger Transport by 70%.
* 90% of Freight Transport is dependent on Oil.
- Oceam and Water
* 5 Billion People will face Water Scarcity by 20250.
* 800 Million People lack Access to Safe Drinking Water.
* 80% of the World’s Current Wastewater is discharged untreated into the Environment.
* 5 Billion People will face Water Scarcity by 20250.
* 800 Million People lack Access to Safe Drinking Water.
* 80% of the World’s Current Wastewater is discharged untreated into the Environment.
- Carbon
From guiding Corporations through Carbon Emissions Reduction to exploring Solutions for CO2 Capture, Storage, and Compensation.
From guiding Corporations through Carbon Emissions Reduction to exploring Solutions for CO2 Capture, Storage, and Compensation.
- Economic Models
Adapting our Economies to the Physical Limits of our Planet. How to design more Responsible Indicators for Well-Being.
Adapting our Economies to the Physical Limits of our Planet. How to design more Responsible Indicators for Well-Being.
- Inner Change
Fostering Personal Transformation to drive Collective Action, aligning Inner Development with Sustainable Development Goals.
Fostering Personal Transformation to drive Collective Action, aligning Inner Development with Sustainable Development Goals.
- Tech For Good
Harnessing Technological Innovation for Positive Impact, addressing Global Challenges with Groundbreaking Solutions.
Harnessing Technological Innovation for Positive Impact, addressing Global Challenges with Groundbreaking Solutions.
- Governance
Exploring New Modes of Governance Locally, Nationally, and Internationally for a Global Transition.
Exploring New Modes of Governance Locally, Nationally, and Internationally for a Global Transition.
- Information and Democracy
Accessibility to Knowledge and to Means of Participation so Everyone can be an Active Participant of Change.
Accessibility to Knowledge and to Means of Participation so Everyone can be an Active Participant of Change.
- Corporate Responsibility
Exploring the Role of Companies.
How do we get these Companies to change?
Exploring the Role of Companies.
How do we get these Companies to change?
Source: ChangeNow
On March 25 - 26 - 27, 2024
@ Grand Palais Ephemere (Paris)
Yasmina BEDDOU
On March 25 - 26 - 27, 2024
@ Grand Palais Ephemere (Paris)
Yasmina BEDDOU
more information:
Ruby Bird Yasmina Beddou Grand Palais Ephemere Paris Changenow Action Solutions Event Exhibitions Conferences Meetings Impactful Opportunities Changemakers Actors 2024 Finance Women Education Biodiversity Fossil Oil Gas Ecosystem Economy Cities
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